Das Bunte Leben Kreativität

Now is the time!

Frühling, jetzt! Spring, now! Gemälde: Herz aus regenbogenbunten Flügeln und darauf eine nackte Frau mit einem enormen, regenbogenbunten Blumenstrauß im Arm, hinter dem Hände, Schoß und Bauch verschwinden (Gouache, signed JR März 2022) ©Johanna Ringe 2024 www.dein-buntes-leben.de www.johannaringe.com

These days nature is exploding around here. Now the trees and flowers are in bloom and everything seems to be so alive! If you were waiting for the final impulse to get started with something… well, here you are.

Now is the time to go ahead!

Spring always makes my heart big and wide. Almost to the day two years ago I painted the gouache you see above. Not only to try out the materials, but also to participate in the blooming that surrounded me… I remember the fun I had!
It is completely different than my big acrylic paintings, much smaller, but still very me. Because we always take ourselves with us, into every new situation and every new adventure. We always take our favourite colours, our esthetics, our knowledge, our symbols and preferences a.s.o.. Now I am still who I was yesterday, just enhanced by experience… and, yes,

Trying something new is so inspiring!

You can try something new now, today… a new book, a new recipe, a new kind of music or kind of food, a new vegetable, a new style, a new sport, a new technique – all these are generally safe adventures, but adventures nontheless! And adventures enrich your live and feed your soul. So, tell me, darling, what new thing will you try now?

What is your very own adventure in spring 2024?

Heartfelt, wherever you are,

Unterschrift Johanna (c) Johanna Ringe 2014 ff. www.dein-buntes-leben.de