Das Bunte Leben

Your Journey into Adventure – Suitable for Day-to-day Use!

Your Journey into adventure (picture: desk with worldmap, sunglasses, hat, books... and two hands holding a notepad from which questionmarks explode over the map) ©Johanna Ringe 2024 www.johannaringe.com

Holidays are over, but you are still hungry for adventure? Do you feel your wanderlust? Not ready for the daily grind, not even just to be at home? Then set off on a journey that you can interrupt anytime you need for work or school: Your own journey, in your mind, with the help of books, maps and pictures….

The journey begins.

Look at a world map or, even better, a globe. Take a good look: these mountain ranges, these deserts, the many, many islands, all these strange and wonderful names…. Look at them! Have you really taken a close look at all the continents? Study this image of our world…Until you realise that you keep returning to one point. To something that feels like adventure! To a really tempting place….

You will explore this irresistible place!

Now, everything depends on your time, your circumstances, and a little on your budget: either you do most of your research on the internet, or you go to a bookshop or the nearest library. You can certainly order everything in the bookshop, carry it home and fill several metres of shelves with your trip… maybe that’s how it will end, but for a start I would prefer the library: there are keyword catalogues and usually people who can help you. You are not just looking for travel guides, no, that would be too easy!

Let’s search literature for the soul of the place.

Travel guides can provide an introduction, and illustrated books can be a wonderful help. But it certainly gets interesting when your journey immerses you in the literature of the place in question. Dive into the literature of that country to discover the culture. Travelogues of early explorers, who describe the new with naked eyes, are also a good start. But go further, travel deeper into that place…

Let the local authors take you by the hand.

Immerse yourself in old and new stories, in the history of the place and its myths. Look at pictures of its inhabitants through the ages. Read the classics of its culture. Let yourself be enchanted during your journey. Completely without an upset stomach, insects, or jet lag ;-)
And if you do not want to rely on your own imagination, but want to see pictures and photos, then do not just look for illustrated books, but also for documentaries and travelogues made into films.

The colours of the films will make the literature even more tangible and spice up your journey.

Also look for the best, most authentic film adaptations of the classics in question! Be sure to consider the internal and external view of the destination of the journey. Research thoroughly, the internet is a goldmine…and some films can also be borrowed from libraries or accessed from the media libraries of TV stations. Stay legal, please. Old films and books are often available on themed portals because their copyright has expired.

Are you open to the idiosyncrasies of other perspectives?

Any adventure starts with an open mind. Perhaps you will discover the art of this place for yourself, its special colours and shapes. Perhaps the fashion, the music or the food. Perhaps you will discover your fascination for philosophies, cakes, fabric printing, dance, architecture, agriculture or silver jewellery on this journey… or the diverse wedding customs of this world…. Who knows?

While travelling in space is often a tight schedule, you can devote all the time in the world to this type of travel!

Whether you want to explore a place for just a few days or immerse yourself in another culture for months or years, it is entirely up to you. Your future holidays can follow your discoveries: You can travel to the places of your longing first virtually, and then in reality, and thus develop a deeper understanding than with a simple holiday.

And when the time comes for a new adventure, you can discover another place – with this form of travelling, it’s so easy to change your plans!

Heartfelt, wherever you are,

Unterschrift Johanna (c) Johanna Ringe 2014 ff. www.dein-buntes-leben.de
P.S.: My original blog in German you can find here: https://dein-buntes-leben.de/2018/08/deine-reise-ins-abenteuer-alltagstauglich/

Bunter Mensch, Coach, Künstlerin, Intentional Creativity Teacher, Autorin, Mutter, Tochter, Schwester, Frau, ausgebildete Märchenerzählerin, kreativ, eloquent und neugierig.... Für Dich schreibend, als Coach für Hochbegabte, Hochsensible und Vielbegabte, genauso aber auch als verwandte Renaissance Seele, die das bunte Leben aus eigener Erfahrung kennt. Um Deiner Wertschätzung für meine Arbeit und meine Webpräsenz Ausdruck zu verleihen, kannst Du jederzeit buymeacoffee.com/johannaringe nutzen. Ich danke Dir!