Achtsamkeit Selbstannahme

Are you keeping an eye on the little things?

Are you keeping an eye on the little things? (Text on drawing of a bed with 4 matresses and 2 marbles hidden between...) ©Johanna Ringe 2023

Are you taking good care of yourself here and now? Are you taking care of your physical, mental, emotional, and psychological needs? Or are you waiting for someone else to take over? Are you aware of all the little things and the big things that influence your well-being?

Only you are responsible for your own well-being.

When we were children, the fulfilment of our needs was the responsibility of our parents. At best, they were met, and in a way that helped us become capable adults who can take care of ourselves today. In every other case, we had to learn to do better. (That it is not a good idea to expect a partner or anyone else to meet all your needs is something I will assume to be well known and conscious…)

The past is over, what counts is the now.

And it is never too late. You are worth learning about your needs. There are several recommended books on self-care under the title „The …’s Comfort Book“ by Jennifer Louden. And she has also written a retreat book. I am sure there is much more reading on the subject, but I know these books and they are full of suggestions for all occasions. Whether you have no time at all, 5 minutes, 2 hours, or a week, you will find suitable ideas here.

It does not have to be complicated to change your life.

It is often the little things that cause us physical discomfort. The squeaky door, the dripping tap or a door that will not open all the way because something is behind it – these are all classic examples of annoying things. Things that you can change, usually even without much effort, but that are too often ignored as not important enough. (If you like rituals and you like Asian cultures and things, do check out Feng Shui – it is a most wonderful way of dealing with the spaces we inhabit.).

The little things are more important than we often realise.

So, get the seam ripper and remove the scratchy tag from the collar of your jumper.
Get the screwdriver and tighten the wobbly handle.
Get the right grease for the squeaky hinges.
Let that buzzing fly go out the window.
Sort out the socks with the tight seams.
And finally put that muesli bar in your bag.

No matter how crazy the world is right now, and regardless of your current life situation – you are allowed to do yourself good.

If it feels better to get through a dull day at work in matching underwear, then do it. If your shopping bag is too dirty for you, clean it. If the garage is too messy, finally take the time to clean it up. Some things do not even take extra time, they just take attention. Sitting down on the more comfortable chair when eating or putting the flowerpots where you can see them from your desk are small things that have impact.

These little things change the way you feel. Every time.

And if it is only small actions that ensure that this shift in feeling is towards the better – then these actions are worthwhile after all.
It can be incredibly enlightening to explore your own everyday life and your own home for all these so-called little things. Especially if you are highly sensitive. It might well change your whole life.

I wish you a lot of fun taking care of yourself. And enjoy the feeling…

Heartfelt, wherever you are,

Unterschrift Johanna (c) Johanna Ringe 2014 ff.