Paul Klee (1879-1940) was a painter and graphic artist with a beautiful sense of quirkiness, taking the dot on many adventures.
He really looked at the world and had an intimate relationship with colours. If you want to do yourself a favour do a bit of research and try to get a good look at some of his paintings. Paul Klee was not only a famous painter and teacher at the Bauhaus as well as at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. He was also married to the pianist Lily Stumpf. She earned money giving piano lessons, while Paul kept the house and cared for their son Felix.
A very interesting person indeed.
I remember having a picture book as a child, with lots of his paintings and drawings. These pages were filled with beautiful colours, strange fish, and curious animals. Lots of animals. Sadly, I lost the book and could not find it anywhere, but the harmonious colours and almost Japanese use of empty space stayed engraved in my brain. As did the loving tenderness that spoke out of every page. I believe Paul Klee was deeply in love with this world.
A line is a dot that takes a walk.
Paul Klee taught art and wrote books about it. Everything I ever read or saw from him was filled with a quirky sense of humour and a deep respect for life. A certain sense of wonder fills his childlike drawings. This sense of wonder is most useful, especially in creating any kind of art.
And so I want you to do the following: try watching your pen, the tip of the pen, taking a walk on the page.
I want you to wonder what is going to happen to this little fellow on his adventure.
Fill yourself up with beauty, with quirkiness, with pathos, with love, choose whatever you like. But then put the tip of the pen to the page and let it flow all out… Do not judge. Do not think about the outcome. Just follow with your eyes, thinking: “interesting, I wonder what will happen next…”. If you like the way your dot took in the end, you can build a painting from there.
These are drawings of preparation, the development of an idea.
Even if you did it with a brush and paint on canvas you could see it as an underpainting and go on building up, layer by layer, until you really feel completion. Or leave it like that, simple.
You could do whatever you please. Of course, you could!
I just wanted to introduce you to this beautiful little quirky idea our friend Paul had such a long time ago. I just wanted to invite you on a lighthearted adventure, taking a dot for a walk.
Heartfelt, wherever you draw,
P.S.: Let me know in the comments what you think about Paul Klee, or the quote, or the dot’s attitude…!
Paul Klee (1879-1940) was a painter and graphic artist with a beautiful sense of quirkiness, taking the dot on many adventures.
He really looked at the world and had an intimate relationship with colours. If you want to do yourself a favour do a bit of research and try to get a good look at some of his paintings. Paul Klee was not only a famous painter and teacher at the Bauhaus as well as at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. He was also married to the pianist Lily Stumpf. She earned money giving piano lessons, while Paul kept the house and cared for their son Felix.
A very interesting person indeed.
I remember having a picture book as a child, with lots of his paintings and drawings. These pages were filled with beautiful colours, strange fish, and curious animals. Lots of animals. Sadly, I lost the book and could not find it anywhere, but the harmonious colours and almost Japanese use of empty space stayed engraved in my brain. As did the loving tenderness that spoke out of every page. I believe Paul Klee was deeply in love with this world.
Paul Klee taught art and wrote books about it. Everything I ever read or saw from him was filled with a quirky sense of humour and a deep respect for life. A certain sense of wonder fills his childlike drawings. This sense of wonder is most useful, especially in creating any kind of art.
And so I want you to do the following: try watching your pen, the tip of the pen, taking a walk on the page.
I want you to wonder what is going to happen to this little fellow on his adventure.
Fill yourself up with beauty, with quirkiness, with pathos, with love, choose whatever you like. But then put the tip of the pen to the page and let it flow all out… Do not judge. Do not think about the outcome. Just follow with your eyes, thinking: “interesting, I wonder what will happen next…”. If you like the way your dot took in the end, you can build a painting from there.
These are drawings of preparation, the development of an idea.
Even if you did it with a brush and paint on canvas you could see it as an underpainting and go on building up, layer by layer, until you really feel completion. Or leave it like that, simple.
You could do whatever you please. Of course, you could!
I just wanted to introduce you to this beautiful little quirky idea our friend Paul had such a long time ago. I just wanted to invite you on a lighthearted adventure, taking a dot for a walk.
Heartfelt, wherever you draw,