Das Bunte Leben

Today is going to be good!

Today is going to be golden. (white text on blue with a dab of golden paint) ©Johanna Ringe 2024 www.dein-buntes-leben.de

Today is going to be different.
Today is going to be good, to be golden.
It is going to be wonder filled and magical.
Today is going to be a positive day.

And you know why?
Well, because I have decided so.

Hybris? Haha… You know nothing, Luv!

Have you ever really tested out the power you have in your world? Really?
Have you ever gone too far with the niceness, the benevolence, the love?
Have you? Really? Do you really, honestly believe that?

Oh, I didn’t think so.

I believe that you have been holding back.
That you are still holding back today.
You still fear the outcome.

You do not talk to the stranger because they could be grumpy or mean.
You feel the need to wear invisible armour when you make that phone call because you expect the other side to be on the war path.

You do not help the stranger today,
because you remember old wounds
instead of living in the here and now.

You still keep your mouth shut because of the things you read in the news, instead of standing up against the mob.
Being really honest here: most situations are not that dangerous, unless you are in a really big city or cross dangerous spaces; most situations are ordinary.

Most situations reflect what we think and feel today.
Just remember the rose-tinted glasses of love.
Or the many pregnant women every mother or father to be sees in the streets.
Just remember how everyone else always seems to have everything under control?

It is all in your mind.
This is your magic, your power.

So, will you fill your mind with goodness today?
Will you feel benevolent today?
Will you care for this stranger, for your neighbour, for the human being in front of you?
Will you be kind today?
I hope so. I really do.

And while you’re at it,
do not stop when you come home, tired,
and strip off the grime and the dust…
keep the kindness up when you look into the mirror.
You deserve it. As do I. As does the stranger.
Because we are golden.
Because we are.

So much Love, wherever you read this,

Unterschrift Johanna (c) Johanna Ringe 2014 ff. www.dein-buntes-leben.de