Coaching Tea & Talk Teegespräch

Questions upon Questions

tea&talk: Questions upon questions (text with drawn teakettle and two cups) ©Johanna Ringe 2023

Sometimes every soul needs some circus… or just the weird but wonderful music, or the smell of almonds and sawdust, or a child sticky with candyfloss, or a genderfluid person with an enormous tulle skirt, or a juggler with eggs and apples… Sometimes we need the magic, the poetry, seeing the world through quirky-coloured glasses… I need a healthy dose of circus poetry today, which means today I just have questions for you.

No answers, just questions.

Maybe they do seem silly to you, or maybe you lose yourself in them for a while – both would be very much to my liking. Maybe one of them will make you think. That is good. Maybe one or two will make you angry. That is welcome too. What I consider rather unlikely is indifference.

Here come the ***drumroll*** questions…

What music perfectly suits today? Are you sure?

What sound does your anxiety find soothing?

Knowing the scent of your own dreams makes you less hungry… doesn’t it?

Can you describe the smell of summer holidays?

This part of you needs a hug – which one?

And when you finally, finally arrive, how does it feel on your skin?

What does growing up taste like?

That wish, you know, the one you never told anyone about, what colour is it?

Could you recognise the sound of chestnuts bursting open and landing prickly on the forest floor?

How would you know that you are completely free?
And why are you so sure that you are not already?

If you could close your eyes and open them again being somewhere else, where would that be?

Your dreams have an anger – which one?

Your anger has a dream – which one?

If the back of your hand could wish for something, what would it be?
Can you fulfil this wish?

What would have to change in the world (or in you?) for you to want to watch a flower bud blossom?

What makes your tears dry up over and over again?

What smell helps you to get out of bed?

And which smell helps you fall asleep?

What colour is your longing?
And why isn’t it hanging in your wardrobe?

Which flower would you like to sleep in?

Which animal did you want to be as a child?
And which one would it be today?

Do you have a question for me?

If so, feel free to write it to me. Seriously, I love good questions because they open the mind. I would also be delighted to hear your answers. You know, a cup of tea by the fire, after the evening show, sitting comfortably together and then letting the answers rise with the sparks…. I’m very much looking forward to it, luv!

Heartfelt, wherever you are on this merry-go-round,

Unterschrift Johanna (c) Johanna Ringe 2014 ff.